How to Start Your Own Victory Garden

The era of COVID-19 has sparked numerous changes in our society that have prompted a more fervent focus on self-care, home improvement, and hobbies.

Speaking of hobbies, gardening is one niche that is getting attention, in particular- the comeback of victory gardens.

What is a Victory Garden?

Let’s take a moment to jump in our time machine and blast back in history to WW1 and WW2. During these wars, communities would band together to grow victory gardens in order to help supplement food supplies in response to government rationing.

Now, victory gardens are once again on the rise, as homeowners look for affordable ways to eat fresh, organic fruits and vegetables during these unstable times.

Is a victory garden worth it?

Of course, everyone’s situation is different, but if you are inspired to get your victory garden on, know that it will take time, energy, and LOVE to create your own food sanctuary. 

The payoff is huge though; who wouldn’t want to walk in their backyard and pluck a juicy tomato right off the vine?

If you’re….

  • Working from home
  • Looking for educational activities for kids
  • Looking for ways to cut back on spending
  • Needing a healthy way to lessen stress and anxiety
  • Dreaming of growing your own food

…then a victory garden could be the winning solution for you!

A community vegetable garden

How to start a victory garden

Without further ado, here’s how to jumpstart your very own victory garden. Don’t worry, it’s really not that hard! Grab your gardening hat and gloves…

1. Choose your earth

Whether you live in an apartment or have a spacious backyard, the good news is that you can be flexible with your victory garden. Plant herbs in a window box, use containers on a balcony, or choose an area of your yard that gets ample sunlight for your planting.

2. Plan irrigation

Water is life, and this most certainly applies to your victory garden. While considering where you want to plant your edibles, make sure it is a convenient location for irrigation

You’ll always want to ensure the soil in the area is moist. Go sustainable and recycle rainwater with a barrel system, or the good ol’ fashioned hose is always a massive convenience. 

Drainage is important. Obviously, you aren’t going to situate your victory garden where water floods. Instead, use Mother Nature’s bounty to help drain water properly. Here’s how to do it:

  • Add a layer of organic mulch on top to help improve drainage. 


  • Garden pebbles also serve as a good way to drain. They also look lovely, adding a bit of aesthetic zeal.

Backyard chickens

3. Say NO to tilling

When you till the rich, nutritious soil of your victory garden, you’re unnecessarily stirring up a mini-ecosystem that is providing your plants with everything they need to thrive. Earthworms, organic matter, and infrastructure are broken down. 

The solution? Try chickens! Sure, they’ll gobble up a few worms in the process, but they do more good than bad, turning over soil and fertilizing it in the process. Don’t forget those yummy eggs!

4. Say YES to compost

Making your own compost is the best thing you can do for your victory garden. Better yet, it’s so easy to get started. Simply choose a box or some kind of container to hold organic goodies, such as fruit and veggie peels, grass clippings, coffee grounds, eggshells, etc. 

Over time, compost becomes chock full of bacteria and nutrients that are excellent for nourishing the soil and plants.

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