4 Easy Steps to Whip Your Overgrown Flower Bed Into Shape

Spring is in the air (finally) and if you’ve overlooked your flower beds this winter, now is the time to give them the TLC they probably desperately crave.

If you’re dreading the shame of seeing how forlorn your beds are, coupled with the thought of how much time you’ll have to put in get them back to their glorious former selves, then never fear.

Part of the fun with gardening is the creativity and innovation that comes along with making a garden shine. 

No matter if you’re a busy body short on time or just want some easy hacks so you can enjoy the spring sunshine instead of laboring away, our post has got you covered!

Start clean

The best way to get your flower beds back on track is to start with a fresh slate. Remove your plants and pot them for the time being, then proceed to pull out the weeds that might’ve taken over. 

Now that the area is clean and free of the weedy mess, it’s time to focus on boosting soil nutrition and improving drainage.

Layer the compost

Next comes composting to provide the soil in your flower beds with ample nutrients. Start by raking the topsoil layer, clearing it of any rocks, roots, and debris. 

Apply a 2-3 inch layer of organic compost over the moist soil in the bed, using a shovel to fold it into the soil about a foot deep.

Bring on the plants

Next, it’s time to get dirty and implement your plant design. If you’re using your old plants that were set aside in pots, dig fresh holes where you want them to go and make sure the holes are the same depth as the previous ones.

Once your plants are arranged as desired, water them until small puddles form at the base of each plant.

Apply mulch or gravel

You’re almost at the end of your refreshed flower bed adventure. To improve drainage and streamline the aesthetic of your beds, apply a layer of organic mulch or gravel, covering the soil.

Mulch and gravel are optimal choices since they are easy to apply and are low maintenance, lasting for months. These materials ensure moisture is evenly distributed between plants, and are also effective for keeping weeds from taking root.

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