What to Put Down to Keep Weeds From Growing

Weeds are one of the landscaper’s greatest foes, leading to countless methods being created over the years to stop weeds from taking root and blemishing a perfect garden.

Of course, some tricks work and others don’t, but let’s at least get two things straight:

  1. You don’t need to rely on dangerous chemical products to keep your lawn spotless.
  2. Weeds are actually native plants that can have a positive effect on your garden depending on how they’re incorporated.

Alright, now let’s dive into the good stuff- the reason why you’re reading this post in the first place. These are our 3 tried-and-true methods for keeping the weedies away.

Using Gravel or Landscaping pebbles as cover

Instead of turning to chemical concoctions, try natural materials that not only inhibit weed growth but can add to your landscape’s overall aesthetic.

That’s the beauty of using gravel or river rocks to line flower beds, cover bare areas, and hide exposed tree roots.

Garden stones come in all different colors, textures, and sizes to give you more decorating options. Plus, once it’s down it lasts for years with little maintenance required.

A layer of stones acts as an insulator for plants, distributing moisture and warmth. This solid cover also prevents the sun’s rays from reaching weed seeds at the soil level, and we all know that without sunlight, seeds can’t sprout. Therefore, weeds can’t grow.

If not stones, try mulch

Mulch is another effective method for thwarting weeds from taking over! Much like gravel, a layer of mulch dispersed loosely over soil blocks the sun’s rays from reaching weed seeds underneath. 

As well, mulch is too loose to support plant growth. Keep the layer no thicker than 2-3 inches and make sure to steer clear of tree trunks and plant stems to avoid diseases.

Change up your mow game

If you mow your lawn, the way you mow can either stop or promote weed growth. Mowing too low leads to weaker turf and inhibits grass leaves from producing an adequate amount of nutrients. It also creates gaps that allow sunlight to reach the soil where weed seeds are waiting to sprout.

The key is to mow at the highest level (between two to four inches). It’s also a good idea to do some research on the type of grass you have in your yard and adjust the mow settings according to what would suit your turf variety best.

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