“What is the Best Shower Floor?” Your Most Pressing Pebble Tile Questions Answered

If you’re mulling over design ideas for your kitchen backsplash, outdoor shower flooring, or bathroom walls, pebble tiles are raising eyebrows- in a good way. 

These mesh tiles are speckled with round, smooth river pebbles that come in an impressive assortment of earthy hues. 

They’re aesthetically pleasing, unique and offer that all-natural “boho” vibe that is all the rage when it comes to interior and exterior home designs. 

But, be warned that this isn’t your typical smooth, square tile flooring! We’ve answered your most pressing questions about pebble tile flooring to help you make the best decision for your home.

Let’s get down on the floor and boogie with pebble tiles!

Is pebble tile difficult to clean?

As with any surface, the ease of cleaning depends on the regular maintenance you administer. Pebble tiles that are not sealed and neglected for long periods of time will start to loosen and chip.

Grime will build up, making clean up a more arduous task. 

The key is to…

  1. Apply sealant: This creates a strong barrier that keeps out moisture and mold
  2. Wipe down the stones regularly: This helps keep grime at a minimum
  3. Use a gentle, natural cleaning solution: A PH neutral cleaner should suffice, or you can make your own vinegar-based solution.

You can learn how to clean pebble tile flooring here.

Will the pebbles hurt my feet?

Some homeowners worry that stepping on those unique pebble shapes will end up hurting their feet.

On the contrary, standing on those smooth stones feels like a relaxing foot massage! 

Quality landscaping stones go through a meticulous manufacturing process, where lengthy tumbling ensures a satin-smooth finish that relieves tension in the feet.

If your precious footsies are more on the sensitive side, you can blunt any sharpness by applying a high-quality grout that fills all crevices for a smoother, leveled finish.

Another option is to install “sliced” stones that have a flat finish as opposed to a round finish.

What if some pebbles come loose?

When pebbles come loose, there’s only one explanation: grout and sealant. 

Over time water, soap scum, and mold can weaken grout and cause it to crack, if not applied properly. 

Therefore, if a popped pebble is making you shake, don’t fret. Just get out the grout and be tedious with your pebble tile touch-up. 

Allow the grout to dry for the recommended amount of time. The longer it sits, the better it sets. 

A good rule of thumb is to apply the grout, then wipe it down with a damp rag every 20 minutes to clean up excess grout on the rocks.

Once you are content with the look of the grout, let the entire area sit untouched for at least 24 hours.

Once the grout is hard, apply a layer of sealant. 

Does pebble tile need to be sealed?

If you’ve made it this far in the post, then you know that the answer to this question is ABSOLUTELY!

The sealant will prevent moisture, dirt, and soap from invading the porous stones and grout, keeping your tile floor intact for years to come.

With sealant applied, your maintenance will be minimal. Light cleaning every other week using mild soap is enough to keep your pebble tile flooring looking so fresh and so clean clean.

How to install pebble tiles?

Forget calling in the professionals and comparing estimates! One of the biggest perks to pebble tile flooring is that it’s an easy and affordable DIY project. 

There are 2 methods for pebble floor installation:

  • You can purchase pebble tiles. Mesh tiles already have garden pebbles embedded, with latch corners that allow you to easily hook the tiles together for a perfect fit. You can cut the tiles to fit your space, then fill in the crevices with grout.
  • You can use a bag of loose pebbles to cover an entire area. This is more time consuming, but the creativity is endless. If you want to create a pebble mosaic or patterned design, loose pebbles give you the freedom to express yourself.

You can learn the step-by-step installation process here.

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