Potted plants against a white background

3 Quick DIY Garden Projects for Staying at Home

Staying at home means it’s a good time to start digging in your garden. And, with spring around the corner, there’s a lot you can work on to stay occupied as the blooming season arrives. We’ve got 3 DIY garden projects that are fast, easy and can be accomplished using items you probably already have around the house.

Garden Markers

It’s fun and easy to put your own personal touch on your plant babies by making your own garden markers from scratch. These are nifty for containers or beds, and you can really get creative with whatever you have at home. Outdoor-safe clay, such as Sculpey Premo, is a durable option. Just flatten it out with a rolling pin, use your favorite cookie cutter shapes to cut out the markers and bake them. Once they’re set, you can use paint pens and other tidbits to put the final touches on your crafts.

Decorative Stakes

This fun and easy garden project that lets you finally put your most treasured knick knacks to use. Garden stakes are cute additions to any garden, whether you want to add some artistic flair or need support for your climbing plants. You’ll need the “stake” or a stick like a broom handle, wire, bamboo or pipe. Then, get wild with your creation! Paint the stake, adorn the top with your favorite ornament, such as door knobs, beads, pinwheels, etc. and you’re done!

Container Toppers

You won’t need to do much assembling with this quick craft. Instead, go grab those bags of beads, seashells, pretty stones or even a handful of Fire Glass. These treasures make perfect container toppers. All you do is layer the visible soil of your potted plants, like adding a layer of mulch (except the mulch is your collection of pretty baubles). Not only do sea shells or say, sparkling Fire Glass give your garden a unique look, but they also help retain moisture.


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